Thursday, April 5, 2012

Digging in

Well, this will be a first for me. 

For a long time I've written monthly newsletters about soil biology and occasionally tossed in some comments about my gardens, but as I ease into retirement years (just turned 70) the BioOrganics' newsletters will be turned over to a new voice (Graham Phillips, whom you will enjoy) and I'm going to try blogging about my mountain-gardening adventures here in Bear Valley Springs, CA.

This blogging is going to be a learning process for a Luddite type who rarely even carries a cell phone (a dirt-simple Jitterbug, by the way), but I think it will be fun to document my new orchard and vegetable garden, and describing how I manage to deal with the abundant gophers, deer, raccoons, birds, and bunnies. 

I sort of got to know many of you through emails over the years, and hope to continue some of that dialog.

More later, including photos.



1 comment:

  1. Don, I look forward to hearing how your fruit trees are doing. I am new to blogging too. Good luck and have fun! Happy Easter!
